sábado, 20 de outubro de 2007

Eu nem quis acreditar !!!

Fiquei estupefacto e agradavelmente surpreendido com este post de um 'blogger'.
Não sabia de gente assim num canto do 3º mundo supostamente no limiar da pobreza ! Como seria bom ser esse o procedimento generalizado das gentes do meu País ! Transcrevo literalmente.

" Home Back in Switzerland. It's raining, and it's getting cold. Glad we spent summer 2007 in the tropics.

At the airport in Delhi, I lost my wallet, and someone found it and brought it back to me. In Thailand, we met a guy from San Francisco who forgot his bag with the wallet, iPod and other valuables, in a tuk tuk (a loud, stinky motorbike with three wheels that serves as a taxi) - the next morning, he went back to the club and to his surprise, the tuk tuk driver had brought back the bag, nothing was missing.

I thought these were two typical stories: you go abroad and think that everyone's out to get you (because that's what supposedly happened to a friend of a friend...). However, most often, nothing happens, not only because you are very careful, but because most people are simply honest and friendly. Just today, I forgot to pick my money at an ATM in Zurich (in Asia, the money comes first and then the card, here it is the opposite) - to my surprise, someone ran after me to bring me my money.

The world is a good place."
( http://www.pbelow005.com/ )

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